A Programming Language Manual

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
ptr fopen( filename, mode )

str filename path to the file to be opened
int mode open mode 0=read, 1=write, 2=both
ptr file handler

Opens the file with the path and name specified by the filename parameter.
If mode is 0 then the file will be opened only for read. File must exist.
If mode is 1 then the file will be opened only for write. If not found, the file is created, otherwise it's content will cleared.
If mode is 2 then the file will be opened for both read and write. If not found, the file is created. Useful for appending new data.
If the open is successful, the file handler is returned. If not, it will return an invalid ptr (NULL).
The directories from the specified file path must always exist.
Remember that to specify the backslash in file paths, you must use a double backslash (like "c:\\myfile.txt")
The file cursor is the current position inside the file (in bytes), where the next read or write will take place.
When a file is opened, it's file cursor is set from the beginning of the file (0).
Always remeber to finaly close opened files, with gs_fileclose.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fsize( f )

ptr f file handler
int file's size

Returns the file's size in bytes
See gs_fopen for examples.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fseek( f, pos, mode )

ptr f file handler
int pos position to seek to
int mode seek mode 0=beginning, 1=current, 2=end
int 1=success, 0=fail

Moves file cursor to the specified position in file.
If mode is 0, pos position is considered from the beginning of the file and it must be positive or zero.
If mode is 1, pos position is considered as an offset from where the cursor is right now.
If mode is 2, pos position is considered from the end of the file and it must be negative or zero.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int ftell( f )

ptr f file handler
int current position or -1 if error

Returns the current position of the file cursor (in bytes).

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwrite( f, buffer, pos, size )

ptr f file handler
ptr buffer memory buffer
int pos position in buffer where to write
int size number of bytes to write
int written size

Writes size bytes from given buffer from pos position, into the file at the current position of the file cursor.
If less than size is returned, then an error occured.
Take great care not to exceed of buffer's bounds.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwriteb( f, v )

ptr f file handler
int v byte number to write
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes the byte value of the parameter v in the file f at the current position of the file cursor.
The file cursor will be incremented with 1 byte.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwritew( f, v )

ptr f file handler
int v word number to write
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes the word value of the parameter v in the file f at the current position of the file cursor.
The file cursor will be incremented with 2 bytes.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwritei( f, v )

ptr f file handler
int v integer number to write
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes the integer value of the parameter v in the file f at the current position of the file cursor.
The file cursor will be incremented with 4 bytes.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwritef( f, v )

ptr f file handler
flt v float number to write
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes the float value of the parameter v in the file f at the current position of the file cursor.
The file currsor will be incremented with 4 bytes.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwrites( f, s, size )

ptr f file handler
str s string to write
int size size to write (optional)
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes size characters from string s in file f at the current position of the file cursor.
If size is greater then the string's length, the rest of the characters written will be 0.
If size is not specified, the string's length is used.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fwritetext( f, s )

ptr f file handler
str s text line to write
int 1=success, 0=fail

Writes a line of text. EOL characters (/r/n) are written after the text.
The file must be opened for write.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fread( f, buffer, pos, size )

ptr f file handler
ptr buffer memory buffer
int pos position to read into
int size number of bytes to read
int read size

Reads size bytes in given buffer at psoition pos.
If less than size is returned, then an error occured.
Take great care not to exceed of buffer's bounds.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int, int freadb( f )

ptr f file handler
int read byte
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads a byte value from file f and increment the file cursor with 1 byte.
If the operation fails, a 0 value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int, int freadw( f )

ptr f file handler
int read word
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads a word value from file f and increment the file cursor with 2 bytes.
If the operation fails, a 0 value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int, int freadi( f )

ptr f file handler
int read integer
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads an integer value from file f and increment the file cursor with 4 bytes.
If the operation fails, a 0 value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
flt, int freadf( f )

ptr f file handler
flt read float
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads a float value from file f and increment the file cursor with 4 bytes.
If the operation fails, a 0 value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
str, int freads( f, size )

ptr f file handler
int size size to read (in bytes)
str read string
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads the given number of characters (bytes) from file f.
If a 0 value is encountered, the string's length will be less than size,
but the file cursor will still be increnented with size bytes.
If the operation fails, an empty string value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
str, int freadtext( f )

ptr f file handler
str read text line
int 1=success, 0=fail

Reads a line of text based on EOL characters (\n or \r)
If the operation fails, an empty string value is returned.

 C/C++ source code

( lib: Files, file: ../src/gs/gslib_files.cpp )
int fclose( f )

ptr f file handler
int 1=success, 0=fail

Closes the file handler f.
After closing the file, the handler f becomes invalid, and the file requires another opening if more read or write is needed.

 C/C++ source code