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Vagusnet - Xbox Live | Team building - this company offer teambuilding in the UK
19 dec 2003 - RenePhoto is online !
08 feb 2004 - Uploaded 41 photos
11 feb 2004 - Hosting site changed
02 may 2004 - Uploaded 151 photos
17 jun 2004 - Changed site's html code
26 jun 2004 - Uploaded 35 photos
27 aug 2004 - Uploaded 91 photos
04 sep 2004 - Uploaded 35 photos
13 nov 2004 - Uploaded 98 photos
19 dec 2004 - Uploaded 60 photos. One year !
15 may 2005 - Uploaded 85 photos
20 dec 2005 - Uploaded 200 photos. Two years !
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